Bikram Posture Standing Head to Knee Pose: Dandayamana Janushirasana
Standing head to knee pose works all of the major muscle groups, helping to build strength, concentration and uniformity in the body. Many beginners and experts alike find it intimidating; practice and patience will however help you to master this posture.
Be determined, don’t let your thoughts intimidate you and go at your own pace.
Distribute weight equally over the foot (all four points.) Lock the knee of the standing leg, this is your foundation and don’t forget to keep a tight grip with all of your fingers.
Your leg should be parallel to the floor in the next part of the posture. Suck your stomach in and contract your abdominal muscles. Flexing the whole foot back towards you face beyond perpendicular. Your elbows should touch the calf muscle go below and then stay there.
Finally tuck your chin to your chest, round the spine, and touch your forehead to the knee.
The later parts of this posture will take time, be patient with your body.
- Improves concentration and builds mental strength, bringing the mind and body together
- Can be good for diabetes
- Increases flexibility of the sciatic nerves
- Strengthens the tendons, biceps of the thigh muscles, and hamstrings in the legs
- Strengthens the deltoids, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, scapula, biceps and triceps