Meeting our Challenges: Yoga and Mental Health

Meeting our Challenges: Henry at Adelaide Hills Bikram

There are many different reasons to practice yoga; from fitness to well being and rejuvenation. Whatever reason you have, the simple act of practicing brings you closer a better life, one that gives you the time, energy and strength to do the things you love without being held back by life’s challenges. In this way yoga is a tool to meeting our challenges.

Yoga and Mental Health:

When we recently spoke to Henry, a local yogi at our studio, we were moved by his passion and his story of how yoga has helped him in meeting the challenges of mental health in his life.
Henry explained to us:

I have been doing Bikram yoga for 6 or so months at Adelaide Hills Bikram yoga Stirling and have found that this has really helped relieve my anxiety. I have suffered quite badly with anxiety and depression for 6 or so years, and have found that Bikram is especially helpful with anxiety as it helps relax and calm the body and mind.

Henry’s practice has helped him meet this challenge as he continues to be an example of the power that yoga has to help us with our passions, and its ability to help us develop beyond what we thought was possible.
Since practicing this has become evident in Henry’s life as he writes:

I have currently been accepted as an ambassador at headspace which is a mental health organisation that is aimed to help those that are struggling with it, and to break the stigma. I personally have a strong passion in this area and am really hoping I can help those via doing talks to schools and sport clubs.

I will be passionately speaking about my experience at Bikram and how this has helped my mental health and how I think that it can help others. Bikram is something that I think can really help anyone on a day to day basis, whether that be for weight loss, extra fitness and gain, mental health or anything to benefit someone’s general well being.

Henry’s story is an example to us all of how we can use yoga in meeting our challenges and overcome them to lead the lives we want, no matter what.

-Henry you rock, keep it up!

Do you have a story about how yoga has changed your life? Let us know your story here