The Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose, called Dandayamana-Dibhaktapada-paschimottanasana showcases just how strong, centered, and flexible we can all be with a little practice. This pose focuses on the legs, but it puts the power and suppleness of the spine on display and really lets us see just how powerful the back is as part of our core.
For people who deal with sciatic nerve pain or weakness in the sciatic region, this pose can be a force for deep healing. It helps put a deep and lasting stretching into the sciatic region so that nerves and the muscles that surround them can get some much needed TLC. In fact, the whole hip area gets a deep stretch in this pose which can help with the long-term openness of the hip and health of joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the area.
As the back rounds and the legs pivot, the organs within the abdomen are given a gentle yet deep massage. This can help the body safely release excess toxins while delivering fresh blood supply to the whole area.
The spine is also given strength and flexibility in this pose. It is said that a flexible spine helps create a flexible mind – and this pose is the perfect way to get both!
The heat of a Bikram Yoga studio actually helps the muscles let go and relax into this pose so that the forehead can touch the floor and the legs can rest on their own power. This pose some with endless health benefits, and it’s one that many people focus on as a goal to perfect during their practice.